

March 14, 2025

Oviparous Orsic

2 min read
What am I doing? If I was a movie, this would be my tagline.

It’s a pretty versatile sentence.   I, for example, like to say it when I realize I’ve zoned out at work, which is quite often.  I also use it when I’m doing something greater than baseline brain intensive, and I get a brilliant idea.  Then that brilliant idea gets intercepted by a different thought, which is more often than not a self-reminder to do something important.  That in turn gets intercepted by thoughts of video gaming. Nothing gets stored in short-term memory and I end up staring at a computer screen, focused intently on the blip-blip of my type cursor.

And then… what am I doing?

It even works in areas beyond the moment-to-moment daily mental meanderings.  There’s the far-reaching “What am I doing?” which plagues me amidst the smaller “what am I doing?”s and usually pertains to things like life, liberty, and the pursuit of fortune.  These are my favorite simply because I’ve got no real answer for them.

What else is new, eh?

I’ll tell you what’s new!

Well, Room to Improv has a new venue! Ta-da!

But seriously, thanks everyone so much for driving all the way to Studio city to come watch a show.  We felt really bad for asking everyone make that drive, so we worked really hard to get this new venue!  It would be the greatest to see all your outlandishly adorable faces there on opening night… so if you’re free January 19th, let me know!

January 19th, 2007, 10:30pm
Costa Mesa Civic Playhouse
661 Hamilton St.
Costa Mesa, CA 92627

Buy your tickets online!

What else…

Well, I’m getting kicked out of my place in L.A. Shady ass business dealings abound. The last day is the 23rd… so we gotsta chill before then I guess.  It was nice while it lasted… back to LB with me.

This is the 40 I’m pouring out for my old childhood friend 92.3/100.3 The Beat.  We may have had our differences toward the end, but it wasn’t your fault.  It was me.  I changed.  And the music changed.  And now you’re gone.  Goodbye the Beat.

5 thoughts on “Oviparous Orsic

  1. I saw a place for $200 in West LA but it was a cardboard box. I wouldn’t mind really, it’s just the parking…

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