

February 13, 2025
2 min read

This weekend has been insane.

Complete with birthday parties, UV retreats, Roscoe’s Chicken n Waffles, PCN practice, IHOP, and a Gospel Choir concert… it’s a fun filled package for the whole family.

But now I’m tired.  I want to sleep, but I have to finish this god-forsaken physics homework.

I sometimes wonder who’s cruel trick it was to make bio majors take physics.

If I ever find that person… I’ll hang em by their gonads.

It was super great eating over at Roscoes for the first time in a couple of years… Herb’s Special fo life… it’s pure, clean, artery-clogging enjoyment.

Prior to Sunday, I had never seen the Roscoe’s on Pico in daylight… it’s alot different looking at midnight.

I think I’ve committed myself into investing in some Video Editing equipment.  I’ve got two options:
1) Buy a decent analog Hi8 Camcorder (~$260) + an analog Vid Capture card w/ Vid Editing software (~$90), total about $350.  This would require me to use my Desktop… a little slower CPU (750MHz) w/ about twice the HD space & RAM.
1) Buy a low-end MiniDV digital Camcord ($350) and plug straight into my lappie’s firewire port… that’s a little faster CPU (1 GHz) w/ 20GB HD & 256MB RAM.

I’m stuck.  Any opinions out there?

Updated my Photografie page… I like black & white film.  It’s great.  Too bad it costs money to develop.

Oh, and I fixed the Echo Point link in the previous entry… jumpin jehosephats.

Stupid Physics.

2 thoughts on “

  1. Hey Earl!  Alvin showed me the clip he took of your performance at the UV concert (don’t worry, I’m not going to show anyone else), and you guys sounded awesome.  I’m hoping to make your next one.  Take care!

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