

July 27, 2024

So Much Theatre, So Little Time

1 min read

Just saw a really, really great musical… Victor/Victoria.  It was playing across the street and stuff @ the Barclay.  Jenn Colella kicks ass…  YOU KICK ASS JENN!!!  Anyway, I love being a student in this case cuz it’s like 40 bucks for general audiences, but $8 for moi!! Woohoo!  Hehe… I gotta spread the word.  Geez, everyone needs to take advantage of that!  When’s the next time we’ll be able to pay $8 for really good production?

I need to watch Flower Drum Song now…  Hopefully I won’t spontaneously combust when I see Lea live.  Rrrah!!

Dragonfest is this weekend…  I hope I remember to bring a camera this time.

Why am I so tired????  I’m beginning to think there’s something physiologically wrong w/ me.  Let’s hope not, cuz that would suck.  Yup… it really would.

Maybe it’s cuz I don’t get enough sleep.  My bad.

What the feezy?

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