

October 22, 2024

I Need a Back Yard

1 min read

Finally… back in Irvine… (Hip Hip, Hooray!)

Someone slap me, I just expressed happiness for being back in The Bubble.

Anyway… it feels good to be back in the olde apartmente.  U know, it’s weird, but being here feels more “Home-ish” than being home-home.  I think it’s because the actual location of home-home is a place where i’ve never truly resided.  I mean, at the same time we moved to that place, I shipped off to the dorms.  So I guess I never really had any attachment to the place.

I miss our old place in Lincoln Vilage.  It actually had a backyard, and a gazebo/shelter thing where I had my punching bag and my weight bench.  And on nice days, and sometimes rainy ones… I’d sit there and just ponder… or read.  It was like… my little nature getaway in the middle of urbania.   And I miss sparring in the backyard with Jimmer, Bryan, or Joel.  Oh well…

If I ever accumulate enough money, I think I’d like to move back there.  Or build a place that looked just like it… or something.

Let’s not even start about the place before that… more than a decade of memories.  Already I’m starting to forget.

Ack… class tomorrow… must sleep.  More tomorrow.

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