

March 14, 2025

Bizzaro Earl

2 min read

Man… my first new halloween costume in 5 or 6 years, and I spent the
majority of the night at work.  I wish I had a digital camera so I
could show y’all the costume and have you guess which video game it’s

Boo to you work.  Boo.

I really want a new guitar so I can sit in my truck and play during my
breaks… and write songs about cursing work… and hopefully one day
I’ll share them w/ my supervisors.

Speaking of my truck… there’s this other truck in Newport North
that’s rather similar to mine… the distinguishing factor being the
make.  Mine is a Toyota Tacoma, hers/his is a Nissan
Frontier.  Both trucks are white, both have fiberglass bed covers,
both are extended/xtra/king cabs, and both have figuriness on the
dashboard.  Whereas his/hers is a Buddy Christ figurine, mine is a
miniature Barrel Man.  Again, i wish i had a digital camera so I
could show this insteading of describing.

Point is… I’ve decided that whoever this person is, he/she is my arch-nemesis, my doppelganger, my bizarro.

I’m tempted to sit out there in the bushes and wait for this person…
just to see who it is.  Cuz, if my theory holds true, I’m sure
they’ve already done the same to me.

I’ll get you bizarro earl… just you wait.

Oh, and yes… come celebrate me becoming one year closer to death… click on the image for info, silly.

And mad props to the Axe of Bert for the design job.

I’m convinced that Chuck Klosterman is a mad genius…. clydesdales and steel toe boots…man.

I really wanna type more… but i’m falling asleep at the keyboard. bah. work.

3 thoughts on “Bizzaro Earl

  1. yeah, I feel you with the arch-enemy thing. I drive a white Prelude, and I see someone at the 5 freeway everyweek with a black one driving past me. I swear man, one day I’ma have a gun fight with this guy.

  2. There was this girl on ring road, and I was wearing the brown UCI sweater…She looks at me and says to her friend really loudly, “That girl has my sweater!” And I rolled my eyes as I walked past and said just as loud “Yeah, so do half the people in this freaking school.” But I didn’t turn to see if she heard me.

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