2 min readI’ve really, really, really been wanting to update this for a while now, but
between the new job, video games, music, and tons of restaurants on
Harbor blvd, it seems I can never find enough time.
And even though it’s approximately 55 minutes past my bedtime, I feel
compelled to at least half-update…just to let everyone know I haven’t
been vaporized off the face of the earth by Uranians hell-bent on
meting out vengeance to every bastard that’s made a joke about their
planet’s name.
So here. I’ve started a new job at a mortgage/insurance company
in irvine. Unfortunately, I have to wake up at 6am to make it to
work at 7am. Yes, I wake up and it’s still kinda dark. But,
when quitting time comes, I’ve still got a good measure of daylight
left…sweet. The job itself seems ok so far. I’ve only
been there a week, so ask me again in 3 weeks.
I just beat KotORII:TSL last night. Good game, up until the end. Only took me 30 hours…. short for an RPG.
If anyone figures out what KotORII:TSL stands for, I’ll jock you for a
whole 5 minutes… 5 minutes! Think of the possibilities.
Speaking of gaming… since when did xanga have a built-in “Currently
Gaming” option. Shite… i was doing that 2 years ago. This
leads me to the conclusion that I rule.
Hahaha… if only i could believe myself when I say that.
I now have a shelf in my room dedicated to StarWars. The crowning
piece of it all is the Vader pez dispenser. By golly, it’s
I feel a rut coming on. Rutrutrutrutrutrutrutrutrutrutrutrutrutrutrutrutrutrutrutrutrut. Gosh I hope I’m wrong.
Kris bought a djembe. Now I wish I was born with an innate sense of rhythm.
I just sat here for 5 minutes without typing anything, so I’ll take it
as a sign that 1)I’ve run out of things to say, and 2)I’m sleepy.
And I shall bid thee adieu by saying: “Good morning starshine! The Earth says hello!”
Knight’s Of The Old Republic II: This Shit’s (too) Long
you have any recommendations for a good, simple, button-smashing game involving ninjas/samurais/vampire hunters?
what’s a djembe?
ewww 6 a.m….
rhythm you’ve got.. i want to see your Star Wars shrine. i’ve been due a good geek-out.
hey earl… sorry for being sick on Saturday. I felt REALLY grosssss… yuucckk. Next time we all hang out again, please make sure I dont take a 4 hour test right before.. ahahah hope all is well with you :o) take care!
no way freaking way ~ you have a djembe!!! fun stuff!
heck yeah… it’s great to wake up early and actually get paid for it… but i’m sure if you got a job at a certain weather-themed gaming company, you’d be able to wake up hella early…and write about uh… uranians…invading…ukrainians? pah-owned!… or however you say that.
Ukrainians can have their own planet!