I should’ve been alseep two hours ago, but the prospect of the morrow’s events has got my insides churning.
T-minus 5 hours until our trek to NoHo for Kaiser ETP callbacks.
I’m so uber-happy just to get a callback. Callback=a little bit of validation. The problem, however, is that I’ve been given a small measure of hope. Now I want it all the more. I don’t even know if there’s anything more I can do to prepare. All I can do now is pray that I realize some potential come 0900.
By the way, Tuesday was a great day in LA.
I’ve missed being surrounded by art. No longer being involved on campus has created a void in me. Once it was filled by PCN, UV, Echo Point… etc. But I can no longer claim those things as part of the current “me.” I think I’m currently in the process of de-voiding. This is where I say, “Thank God for RtI.” Thank God for RtI.
So Tuesday after the ETP audition and jam-jamming at the House d’ Marc, we had a short improv set outside East-West Players in LA. We were part of a community-hosted event called “Tuesday Night Project.” Hot stuff, peoples. I missed being immersed in that vibe; a vibe of creativity, of purpose. And… I got to see some faces I haven’t seen in a long while, including the semi-cuz. W00t!
It makes me think about how it may be time get the flock out of Orange County. *sigh* but what would I do without of all of you? You=everyone still in Orange County. Ah the dilemma.
I guess, I’ll chalk the move to LA as an eventual goal. Moving=$$=I need a job. I know it’ll be in the future… I’m just not sure how far.
I really do want to write more, but I’m teetering dangerously over the edge of the “lack of a good night’s sleep” cliff. Don’t wanna be too stupid to get through tomorrow.
Thanks for nominating me for Outreach… in a funny way, it meant alot. Thanks, nominator.
Oh, and of course… it’s been about two weeks, so:
You know the routine. Hit me up and I’ll break you off some improv-lovin. I’m performing Friday. Kris will be performing Saturday. Good night.
See you at the Pantages!
Or at least notify me if you’re gonna be up there in the near future!