1 min read
My mind races against itself,
Every thought vying for first place,
Hoping to monopolize my focus.
One beats the others back
Consistently, it breaks the ribbon.
I’m a fool that fell for the gambit.
The pangs of anger radiate
and become the stiffness of my neck,
the tiny shot of pain that accompanies
every heartbeat.
This pit in my stomach won’t go away
In happier news…. look what I bought:
wow website!
also, damn the sagittarian in us.
ive been wanting to buy my own domain. but i figure im secure in thinking im the only melissa sonico out there. or at least the only melissa sonico lame enough to buy her domain name. not that you’re lame. i think it’s cool. you know what i mean. uh. the end. 🙂
ah, thanks for the love sweetie. =) you can sing to me ANY time you want. =) “from our first kiss on next week…”