

January 20, 2025

That Finals Week Grind

2 min read

It’s Wednesday night/Thursday morning of finals week and I’m still working on this website for my arts class.

Thank God it’s due Friday and not Tuesday like I thought.  I don’t have any idea how I would have ever finished.  At least it looks ok… and dammit, I’m gonna put this thing on an external server when I’m done… I worked too damn hard on it to let it be viewable to only the people of UCI.

Finals week is a funny thing.  It does weird things to people.  Some people become vampires (like me)… some people temporarily relocate their homes to the study lounges. I ran into a friend here yesterday that brought a pillow and his toothbrush.  Quite crazy.

I’m just taking a break from designing my page right now to look around at all the different people sleeping in really funny positions on these little study lounge sofas.  It’s 6:00am.

Maricris just woke up… she’s got an Anatomy final in a few hours.  Anatomy used to sound so appealing… back when I had the mind of a student… ahh, the old days.

Julie’s still working… she’s going nuts.  I can tell cuz she looks like she’s pounding that keyboard pretty hard.  I’d be pounding my keyboard pretty hard too if I had to work the midnight to 6 shift.

I really need to get back to a normal sleep pattern… soon.  I think I’ll make an attempt to stay up til a normal sleeping time today.  That leaves me 15 hours to force myself to stay awake.

At the end of that 15th hour, I’ll have been awake for 26 hours.  Eh, doable.  Praise the Lord for Mountain Dew: Code Red, a.k.a. liquid crack.

Ekk… fergat to thank Consiglieri for the new profile pic.  Now if I could only get those damned teletubbies from chasing me… then I could get some sleep…

No, must stay awake…hehe.

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