It's been a long week... and a long weekend tooo. I wish I could sleep for a month. Maybe then...
So... yeah, I just re-read my last blog and I've come to the definite conclusion that I'm a loser. That's...
Well, it's 5:00AM Wednesday morning, and I am once again wide awake after another rather long conversation w/ consiglieri. So...
Sunday, Sunday, Sunday. And so starts the quarter of meetings galore. Whoa PUSO! Whoa Alyansa! Not that I minded too...
And I'm typing this entry on my brand new refurbished 19" monitor... oh yes... under a hundred dollars too. Am...
Finally... back in Irvine... (Hip Hip, Hooray!) Someone slap me, I just expressed happiness for being back in The Bubble....
2003 has arrived. It lifts my spirits a bit to think of the countless possibilities of the new year. Unfortunately...
Ahh... witness my slow downward spiral towards the pit called Madness, birthed by the gaping void known as Boredom. I'm...
Quite a few things tonight seemed to be pointing to choosing a career. 1. I was watching Jeorpardy again (woohoo)...
I've officially been 22 for an entire month... so starts the countdown to 23. Back home-home in Carson now. Back...